***All names have been changed, with the exception of brother Ty.***
To premise the complaint, the hubs and I are going to Wenatchee this weekend, about 3 hours away from the home front.
I'm kind of hurt at Hubs's friends. Brian and Breanne were going to have a poker night but they waited because Steve and Emily were going to be out of town. Then they waited because Adam and Noelle were going to be out of town. Now Sam, who usually comes to poker night as well, Hubs and I are going to be out of town and they're having poker night anyway. Hubs is like "whatever" but it slightly offended me. Hubs said Breanne just must not like me. I think he was joking....I hope so. (He said she really wanted to hang out with Noelle and that's why they waited until she and Adam could go.) I may say something about it next time we all get together, though hopefully it won't embarrass or make Hubs mad.
I pretty much want to just stay at home forever with Hubs and have family visit us and that's it. I'm getting done with people. You NEVER leave high school! I feel awkward and out of place again. We're the least popular. Or at least I am. I fit in the least.
Noelle and Emily are planning a baby shower for Breanne. It's going to be a "meet the baby" shower after the baby is born. And she wants to have it when Brian is on maternity leave. The baby is due sometime in September and he gets 3 weeks off. I think asking me to help later was an after thought because when Breanne told me they were planning it for her, I told her that I didn't know about it and was sad they didn't even ask me if I wanted to help and I think she told Noelle. I hope they remember I said mine is October 4th. I was told yesterday that they're going to discuss it this Saturday when everyone gets together. I'm all "uh...guys? I won't be there" and Noelle said they'll probably just choose a date. Arg.
When I tell this kind of stuff to Hubs he kind of makes it sound like it's my fault because I don't involve myself more. That's not how I am! I tell him I try but I'm not him. I'm not good at talking to people. He's like my mom and brother Ty. They can talk to anybody.
I wish my friends lived in Tacoma so I'd have people to hang out with. Hubs wants me to hang out with his friends more, even without him but it's not going to happen. It's not that I don't like them and don't want to hang out with them, I'm just not good at it. They all hang out and talk and stuff and it makes me sad when I hear about it. Example: Noelle says stuff like "oh I was talking to Breanne the other day". Nobody calls me. :( Not that I call them either. I'm not outgoing like that, I'm more shy I guess.
My friends--I don't know how I even got friends, with the way I act. I guess I just used to be better at it-- have cars but not money to buy gas to come visit me and/or nobody likes/wants to drive that far anyway. And then we often don't have money to do anything once they get out here. We used to just hang all the time, never really doing anything but now I feel like if they drive all the way out here we should do something other than watch TV and talk.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
28 Weeks
How far along? 28 Weeks 4 Days
Total weight gain/loss: +24 lbs
Maternity clothes? Pants: Yes. Shirts: Some are some aren't.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: Ok. I get a weird feeling in my throat occasionally that makes it a bit hard to fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Ug. This week hasn't been that great actually. (Hense the fake smile in the photo.) I guess the best moment would be my husband coming home from work and giving me a giant hug.
Movement: Yes!
Food cravings: None. Still, nothing ever really sounds or looks good to me. Very hard deciding what to have for lunch and dinner.
Gender: A boy.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out? Mostly out.
What I miss: The way I used to put on shoes.
What I am looking forward to: Going to stores and looking at baby stuff with my hubby.
Total weight gain/loss: +24 lbs
Maternity clothes? Pants: Yes. Shirts: Some are some aren't.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: Ok. I get a weird feeling in my throat occasionally that makes it a bit hard to fall asleep.
Best moment this week: Ug. This week hasn't been that great actually. (Hense the fake smile in the photo.) I guess the best moment would be my husband coming home from work and giving me a giant hug.
Movement: Yes!
Food cravings: None. Still, nothing ever really sounds or looks good to me. Very hard deciding what to have for lunch and dinner.
Gender: A boy.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out? Mostly out.
What I miss: The way I used to put on shoes.
What I am looking forward to: Going to stores and looking at baby stuff with my hubby.
Weekly Wisdom: Sometimes it's better to just cry than to try and hold it in.
Milestones: I'm in the 3rd trimester!
Milestones: I'm in the 3rd trimester!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Glucose & Ultrasound
I keep forgetting I have this blog!
Well, last Monday I had my 1 hour glucose test. Thank God I passed--I'd hate to find out what the 3 hour test entails. Or maybe it's just waiting 3 hours instead of 1 to take blood. I got to choose between 3 flavors: orange, fruit punch or lemon lime. I had fruit punch. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it's not something that I want to drink regularly. Or at all in fact. So I drank it around 915am then had the regular doctor check up. Since I'm in the 3rd trimester now we talked a bit about finding a birthing class and who we want for a baby doctor and stuff so it went a bit longer than usual. Still, it was only about 20 minutes. After the doctor stepped out of the room I started reading. Then I got hot. Really hot. I started sweating and thought I was going to puke so I rushed to the bathroom. I didn't throw up. It was a bit cooler in there and it made me feel slightly better. I went back to the room and started reading again. And again I started getting hot and sweaty. I went to the bathroom again but didn't throw up. I came back to the room and laid on the exam chair. My doctor came back in and I asked her if it usually made people feel sick. She said it happens a lot and then called me silly because I didn't recline the chair. She made it to where I could lay down and told me the nurse would be in soon to take my blood. The nurse came in and asked how I was doing and if I felt dizzy. I didn't feel dizzy and I was able to move to a different chair. She took my blood and I started to feel weak so she had me lay down back on the exam table. She told me to just rest for awhile. I dozed on and off for awhile. The nurse and doctor came back in and told me I was looking peckish and to keep resting. I dozed off some more. When I woke up I was feeling slightly better so I sat up. It didn't take long for the nurse and doctor to notice me and ask if I was feeling better. I said I was and they told me to be careful, go straight home and eat some protein when I got there. I probably shouldn't have driven because I still felt a bit off but I just wanted to go home. When I got there I ate and took a nap.
At the appointment, before I got sick, the doctor told me I'm measuring small and put in an order for an ultrasound. That afternoon after I got home and ate but before I took a nap, I called and made an appointment for the next day. I'm assuming the baby is just fine since the ultrasound tech didn't act like anything was wrong. Baby's heartbeat was normal. I don't mind ultrasounds now because I don't have to drink as much water and baby is more obviously a baby. It's so crazy to see him. It's hard to believe it's real! I haven't heard from the doctor, who got the results of the ultrasound that same afternoon, so I'm guessing baby is measuring just fine.
Well, last Monday I had my 1 hour glucose test. Thank God I passed--I'd hate to find out what the 3 hour test entails. Or maybe it's just waiting 3 hours instead of 1 to take blood. I got to choose between 3 flavors: orange, fruit punch or lemon lime. I had fruit punch. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but it's not something that I want to drink regularly. Or at all in fact. So I drank it around 915am then had the regular doctor check up. Since I'm in the 3rd trimester now we talked a bit about finding a birthing class and who we want for a baby doctor and stuff so it went a bit longer than usual. Still, it was only about 20 minutes. After the doctor stepped out of the room I started reading. Then I got hot. Really hot. I started sweating and thought I was going to puke so I rushed to the bathroom. I didn't throw up. It was a bit cooler in there and it made me feel slightly better. I went back to the room and started reading again. And again I started getting hot and sweaty. I went to the bathroom again but didn't throw up. I came back to the room and laid on the exam chair. My doctor came back in and I asked her if it usually made people feel sick. She said it happens a lot and then called me silly because I didn't recline the chair. She made it to where I could lay down and told me the nurse would be in soon to take my blood. The nurse came in and asked how I was doing and if I felt dizzy. I didn't feel dizzy and I was able to move to a different chair. She took my blood and I started to feel weak so she had me lay down back on the exam table. She told me to just rest for awhile. I dozed on and off for awhile. The nurse and doctor came back in and told me I was looking peckish and to keep resting. I dozed off some more. When I woke up I was feeling slightly better so I sat up. It didn't take long for the nurse and doctor to notice me and ask if I was feeling better. I said I was and they told me to be careful, go straight home and eat some protein when I got there. I probably shouldn't have driven because I still felt a bit off but I just wanted to go home. When I got there I ate and took a nap.
At the appointment, before I got sick, the doctor told me I'm measuring small and put in an order for an ultrasound. That afternoon after I got home and ate but before I took a nap, I called and made an appointment for the next day. I'm assuming the baby is just fine since the ultrasound tech didn't act like anything was wrong. Baby's heartbeat was normal. I don't mind ultrasounds now because I don't have to drink as much water and baby is more obviously a baby. It's so crazy to see him. It's hard to believe it's real! I haven't heard from the doctor, who got the results of the ultrasound that same afternoon, so I'm guessing baby is measuring just fine.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Oh TV, How You Scare Me.
So I don't think I should be allowed to watch TV. Or I should have Andy set up the parent controls with a password I don't know and can't figure out.
I don't want to leave my house. But wait, they can get in. I'm not safe anywhere! Who's "they" you may ask? Well, any bad guy. I shudder at the thought of bringing a child into this horrid world. I'm scared to even let my kid play in our fenced yard alone. I don't even want to think about them going to school or the store alone!
And don't get me started on ghostie shows. I don't even believe in ghosts yet I still get scared watching the shows. So change the channel you say. I try but I keep going back. It's like a car wreck, you know you shouldn't look but you can't take your eyes off of it.
Right now I'm watching "E! THS: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer". Please, someone come change the channel for me and hide the remote. Change it to the Disney channel or something cheesy with a happy ending.
I seriously don't want to leave my house. Or answer the door. I closed all the curtains and locked everything up. I should go take a shower but I don't want to be so vulnerable.
I should just turn the tv off but I like having the tv on. I like the white noise. I can't explain it but, especially first thing in the morning, I guess I just don't like being alone? And I can't listen to music until like 10 am. If I listen to music any earlier than that, it'll make me sad all day. I have no idea why.
I really don't mind being alone though. Maybe I just don't like the silence.
So I turn the tv on while I go about my business. I'll sit down to eat my breakfast or lunch and then I get hooked on these tv shows.
I don't want to leave my house. But wait, they can get in. I'm not safe anywhere! Who's "they" you may ask? Well, any bad guy. I shudder at the thought of bringing a child into this horrid world. I'm scared to even let my kid play in our fenced yard alone. I don't even want to think about them going to school or the store alone!
And don't get me started on ghostie shows. I don't even believe in ghosts yet I still get scared watching the shows. So change the channel you say. I try but I keep going back. It's like a car wreck, you know you shouldn't look but you can't take your eyes off of it.
Right now I'm watching "E! THS: Inside the Mind of a Serial Killer". Please, someone come change the channel for me and hide the remote. Change it to the Disney channel or something cheesy with a happy ending.
I seriously don't want to leave my house. Or answer the door. I closed all the curtains and locked everything up. I should go take a shower but I don't want to be so vulnerable.
I should just turn the tv off but I like having the tv on. I like the white noise. I can't explain it but, especially first thing in the morning, I guess I just don't like being alone? And I can't listen to music until like 10 am. If I listen to music any earlier than that, it'll make me sad all day. I have no idea why.
I really don't mind being alone though. Maybe I just don't like the silence.
So I turn the tv on while I go about my business. I'll sit down to eat my breakfast or lunch and then I get hooked on these tv shows.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
I love you Hubs
Tuesday August 4th was the hubs and my 2 year anniversary. We've been together for 6 years, married for 2 of those. I can't believe it's been that long but at the same time it feels like it's always been him and he's always been there.
As kind of a joke gift I got him a pack of Hanes white t-shirts and a bag of fortune cookies. (The traditional 2nd anniversary present is cotton and the modern is China.) For his "real" present I got him a popcorn popper. Just last week he decided it was better for us if we pop our own popcorn and bought a big bag of seeds, however, we don't have a heavy skillet or whatever type of pan it says to use. This popper is neat because butter sits in the top and melts onto the popcorn while it's popping. When it's done, you put a cover on where the butter was, flip the whole thing over and take off what was the bottom. It is it's own bowl!
Being the wonderful thoughtful guy he is, hubs got me a gift card for an hour long maternity massage at a swanky spa downtown. I'm trying to decide when I want to go. I want to go now but I thought maybe I'd save it for a couple weeks.
They day went well. We slept in and took our time getting ready to go anywhere. We went out to lunch at a cute little cafe not far from our house called The Rosewood. He had a ham and bree sandwich and I had turkey and bree. (I would have preferred ham but ever since I've become pregnant , ham upsets my stomach.) Then we went to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. I was a bit outraged by the price, $13 per adult, but when we got up to the window the lady asked if we lived in Tacoma. Yes, we do. Andy showed her his drivers licence and I showed her mine and my checks (I haven't gotten a new drivers license since moving to Tacoma but I did change the address on my checks) and we got in for free! Turns out, once a month they have a "Free Tacoma Day" and everyone living in Tacoma gets in for free! That, along with the fact that it seems our heat wave is over and the temperature was pleasant, made it very crowded but we managed to have a good time. After the zoo we had enough time to go home for a couple minutes then head to The Ram for dinner. Hubs belongs to The Mug Club and about 4 times a year they have an event for the members. You get an all you can eat buffet of whatever style of food they decide and your choice of a couple different types of beer all of $10 each. We met our friends Rob and Amy there. We all had a good time. 2 guys couldn't tell I was pregnant until I turned sideways. They kept talking about it after I walked away from them, laughing.
OFF SUBJECT: Oh, in Target the other day I had one lady tell me I've very cute pregnant and another tell me I'm adorable with my little belly.
As kind of a joke gift I got him a pack of Hanes white t-shirts and a bag of fortune cookies. (The traditional 2nd anniversary present is cotton and the modern is China.) For his "real" present I got him a popcorn popper. Just last week he decided it was better for us if we pop our own popcorn and bought a big bag of seeds, however, we don't have a heavy skillet or whatever type of pan it says to use. This popper is neat because butter sits in the top and melts onto the popcorn while it's popping. When it's done, you put a cover on where the butter was, flip the whole thing over and take off what was the bottom. It is it's own bowl!
Being the wonderful thoughtful guy he is, hubs got me a gift card for an hour long maternity massage at a swanky spa downtown. I'm trying to decide when I want to go. I want to go now but I thought maybe I'd save it for a couple weeks.
They day went well. We slept in and took our time getting ready to go anywhere. We went out to lunch at a cute little cafe not far from our house called The Rosewood. He had a ham and bree sandwich and I had turkey and bree. (I would have preferred ham but ever since I've become pregnant , ham upsets my stomach.) Then we went to Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium. I was a bit outraged by the price, $13 per adult, but when we got up to the window the lady asked if we lived in Tacoma. Yes, we do. Andy showed her his drivers licence and I showed her mine and my checks (I haven't gotten a new drivers license since moving to Tacoma but I did change the address on my checks) and we got in for free! Turns out, once a month they have a "Free Tacoma Day" and everyone living in Tacoma gets in for free! That, along with the fact that it seems our heat wave is over and the temperature was pleasant, made it very crowded but we managed to have a good time. After the zoo we had enough time to go home for a couple minutes then head to The Ram for dinner. Hubs belongs to The Mug Club and about 4 times a year they have an event for the members. You get an all you can eat buffet of whatever style of food they decide and your choice of a couple different types of beer all of $10 each. We met our friends Rob and Amy there. We all had a good time. 2 guys couldn't tell I was pregnant until I turned sideways. They kept talking about it after I walked away from them, laughing.
OFF SUBJECT: Oh, in Target the other day I had one lady tell me I've very cute pregnant and another tell me I'm adorable with my little belly.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
25 Weeks

How far along? 25 Weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +15
Maternity clothes? Pants: Yes and I LOVE them. Shirts: some are some aren't.
Stretch marks: None.
Sleep: Was doing OK but now I'm having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep.
Best moment this week: NBR but being able to read a lot.
Movement: Yes, quite a bit actually.
Food cravings: Nothing really. I still have a hard time deciding what to eat. Nothing ever sounds good.
Gender: A boy.
Labor Signs: None.
Belly Button in or out? Kind of in the middle. Not all the way out but not an innie like it was pre-pregnancy.
What I miss: Coffee.
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy any time you can rest and take it easy.
What I am looking forward to: Decorating the nursery.
Weekly Wisdom: Enjoy any time you can rest and take it easy.
Milestones: Nothing spectacular this week.
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