Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I want an 84 Honda Accord.  For a few years right after high school, my sister and I shared a white one that looked like this ---------------------->
We had a lot of good times in that car.  Even though most modes of transportation are "female", like Betty Lou-my 63 Dart, we named it Bender after a favorite character in a favorite movie.  (If you can name the movie you win the grand prize of knowing you may be decent at the game "Scene It".  Way to go.)  Realistically I decided I should get SUV because, thanks to Mallery for driving, I now know it's way easier to get Bops in and out of his car seat if it's in an SUV than a low sedan.  However, NONE of this is a possibility right now because we need to pay bills and eat.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Networked Blogs

Since I added this blog to the NetworkedBlogs on Facebook, I figured I should try typing a blog now and then. When I'm not trying to entertain Bops I'm on the computer anyway so hopefully I'll find the time to take a break from Facebookery and type something.

That's all I got for now.  Bops needs entertaining!