Friday, August 26, 2011

Things I Like Thursdays: Friday Addition

I'm going to start a new segment on my blog.  Usually (or hopefully) it won't be a day late.  I've seen it on quite a few others and I like it.  Everyone seems to choose a different day of the week and make it a "Things I Love" day.  Well, I find "love" is used to freely and I don't want it to lose it's meaning so I'm doing "Things I Like".  Or maybe it will be "Things I Thoroughly Enjoy".  Not quite as catchy...anywho, here goes.

Yes.  Just Yes.   Like Nirvana?  Like Jo Go-Levitt?  Click that.

Speaking of Nirvana....Nevermind's 20th Anniversary Interview.  Wish I got Sirius radio

Awesome photographer, awesome blog.

Wondering what to do with all those paint chip/strips you have? 

Easy, cute hair style to try.  And while you're there check out her other posts.  I <3 reading that blog.

Pancake art!

Normally I think I'd like to have a few more links but that's all I'm gonna do for now.  I'm not sure if there is a proper way for linking to someone else's blog....if you know the etiquette please comment and let me know.  Thank you!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

H-Bot Birth Story Part 2: The Birth

I'm trying to piece it all together.  It's quite a blur but I'm gonna do the best I can.

So sometime between 0300 and 0330pm we get to the special hospital entrance for women in labor and the 12 year old parking attendant looks scared and gets me a wheel chair.  As he's getting it I whisper to Hubs that I don't want a wheelchair, I feel like a tool.  He said no way.  It's probably a good thing I let them wheel me around because it would have taken at least twice as long for me to walk.  At the nurses station I say that I'm in labor.  I tell them my name and one lady is like "Oh, did I just talk to you on the phone?"  I nod.  She says "You look like you're in much more pain than you sound".  Uh...thanks?  I just nod again.  I have to pause before signing a paper because of a contraction.  They wheel me into triage to check me out.  The nurse gives me a gown and tells me to change.  She leaves and comes back like two minutes later.  I hadn't changed yet because I had a contraction while she was gone.  She's super nice and is all that's ok, take your time and leaves again.  When she comes back again I've changed and am laying on the table.  She checks me out and I'm 4 centimeters.  She says they're gonna get me a room.  I'm way relieved because I didn't want to go home.  

I think it was around this time that Hubs whispers to me that he forgot the camera in the car. I get all settled into my birthing room and the nurse asks if I'm going to want an epidural or anything.  I said I'd rather not and she told me to just ask for it if I decide I want it and she wasn't going to bug me about it.  That was the only time that meds were discussed before H was born, except that every nurse that came in was informed that I was "going natural".  ALL of them were all "wow.  I got an epidural right away" and "way to go" and stuff like that.  I didn't think it was a big deal but they all seemed impressed.  I wasn't doing it because epidurals are "bad", I just wanted to see if I could.  My mom didn't use drugs, I wanted to see if I was as tough as her.

By now there are nurses everywhere which I am grateful for since Hubs is running to the car to get the camera.  I asked one of the nurses, and this is a pretty accurate to what I really said, "Umm....if it's ok, can one of you hold my hand during this next contraction until my husband gets back?"  They're all "of course honey" and one grabs my hand.  Hubs must have ran because he wasn't gone for too long.  Or maybe he was.  My sense of time was all askew.  I got hooked up to a monitor for a few minutes but was allowed to go off of it so I could walk around and labor how I wanted.  We got left alone for the most part, which I enjoyed.  The next couple hours are a real blur.  I know I got in the jetted tub for a few minutes.  I know I threw up at least once.  I know I didn't make a whole lot of noise and I wasn't loud.  Not too much moaning and no screaming from this little lady.

A nurse came in to check me and asked if we needed anything.  Hubs asked for a birthing ball, since I wanted to try that. I can't remember how far along I was, like 6 1/2, but she said eventually they may want to break my water to move me along.  (At the time I was all oh but now that kind of irritates me.  But that was the only thing that hinted at a "horrible" hospital birth that you hear about from a lot of people.  Everyone else was content to let me do my own thing.)  She said she'd go get the ball and be right back.  As soon as she closed the door, literally AS SOON AS SHE CLOSED it I felt a HUGE gush between my legs.  I said "My water broke I need to push!"  Hubs madly stabs the call nurse button over and over saying "get in here!".  A nurse rushes in and says "Oh my!  Looks like it's time!"  and goes to get more nurses.  I was laying on my back, which is how a lot of births in the hospital go.  Hubs knew I didn't want that-I wanted to use the birthing bar and squat- and said we should try to move.  I said no I wasn't going anywhere.  The nurses said I needed to scoot down and I said no.  Between them and Hubs they got me scooted down so my feet could go in the stirrups.  They called my doctor but asked if I wanted to them to bring in the doctors that are there while my doctor was on her way.  I'm still not sure why 2 doctors were brought in but they were.  It wasn't like anything was going wrong.  I remember feeling slightly awkward between contractions.  The doctors were just sitting there chatting away and I swear swiveling their chairs like they were bored.  They'd look at my business and be all "oh, here comes another contraction, get ready to push" and then I'd push through it.  Hubs was FANTASTIC.  He did this counting thing with me that worked great to distract me from the pain.  H-Bot was getting close to shooting out.  My doctor got there.  I pushed like 3 more times and out he came at 0722pm.  He was put right on my chest and Hubs cut the cord.  The nurses took him to clean him up and check him out while I birthed the placenta.  My doctor put it in a bin and as she was picking it up and turning it over asked if I wanted to see it.  I said "I just did, that was enough".  Then I had to be stitched up because H-Bot came out with his hands in fists by his face.  I was asked if I wanted something to help with the pain of getting stitches and I said sure!  They put something in the iv (I was hooked up to saline) and then I felt gooooooooooood.  But it didn't last long and they kept having to give me shots of lidocaine down *there*.  I said something about next time I may just get an epidural and the nurses laughed and said "Oh listen to her!  Next time.  Most ladies say never again right after giving birth".  While my doctor was still sticking me up, the nurse had to punch my stomach.  It's to get the ute contracting to stop bleeding or something like that.  It made me pee.  My doctor was all "oh hey, she's peeing" and I got embarrassed and said "I'm sooo sorry.  I"m sure you're used to stuff like this though, right?" and she said it was no big deal.  I'm just glad that I didn't poop. 

We hung out a bit longer in the room after I got stitched up so they could make sure a room was ready for us and get a wheelchair for me.  They didn't want me to leave the birthing room until I went to the bathroom and said if I didn't go they'd have to give me a cathater.  The super nice nurse that checked me in triage took me to the toliet and had me try.  I kind of went, at least enough for her to show me how to use the peri bottle (which was not hard to figure out and I don't know why they have to show you...I guess to take away any dignity you have left...just kidding).  She tried helping me to get H-Bot to nurse but she said it may be too soon and if I need help to let the nurses know.  When the wheelchair came in she gave me and Andy each a hug and said she wishes she could go with us.  Then we were on our way to our room...